Thursday 5 April 2018

Medical Electronics Previous Year Question Papers-Reg

Dear Students,

Find the attachment for Previous year Anna university question papers.

And also find the material for 4 and 5 unit in the following link. 

All the best 

Sunday 25 February 2018

question bank unit 3 & 4-Reg

Dear Students,
Question bank for unit 3 & 4  as follows :

Part -A
1. Illustrate the defibrillator output waveform and indicate output energy level.

2. State the three types of exchangers used in HEMODIALYSIS system
3. Point out the typical ranges of pacemaker parameters
4. Define tele stimulation. Give its biomedical application
5. Summarize the different types of pacemakers
6. List two important factors that demand internal pace maker’s usage
 7. Draw the circuit diagram of DC Defibrillator and give its output specifications
8. Describe the names of the batteries used in implantable pace makers
 9. What is a dialyzer?
10. Compare the internal and external pacemakers.
11. Point out the disadvantages of DC defibrillator.
12. Tell about defibrillation
13. Formulate the vital capacity of a person who has a total lung capacity of 5.95 liters, if volume of the lung of air
14. Give the difference between external and internal defibrillator.
15. Generalize that since the lungs contain no musculature what makes them to expand and contract in breathing
16. Write the meaning of fibrillation. How do you correct for it?
17. Point out advantages of rectangular wave defibrillator?
18. Classify the different types of dialyzer
19. Summarize the classification of Pacing modes
20. Identify when the demand pacemaker is used?
21. What is the difference between intra and extra corporeal Pacemaker?
22. Draw the discharge pulse of the DC Defibrillator
23. How do we design efficient Biotelemetry system?
24. Bring out need of patient plate in surgical diathermy.
25. What are the batteries used for implantable pacemaker?
26.Discuss the application of Bio-Telemetry
27. Recall the different elements in biotelemetry
28. Point out the frequencies used for bio-telemetry.
29. State the meaning of the term radio pill.
30. Distinguish between frequency division multiplex system and time division multiplex system used in transmission of bio signals.
31. Name the modulation techniques used for biotelemetry. Mention the reason for adopting that modulation scheme
32. Show the block diagram of a Bio-Telemetry system.
33. Point out the advantages of biotelemetry system.
34. Demonstrate the two methods of shortwave diathermy.
35. Identify the devices used to protect against electrical hazards
36. Differentiate the types of diathermy
37. What do you meant by diathermy?
38. Explain the safety precaution to be taken while handling radio isotopes.
39. Enumerate the principle of tele stimulation
40. Compile the basic purpose of the safety measures used with electrically susceptible patients
41. Summarize the uses of biotelemetry.
42. Predict the medical transmitting frequencies. Why it is necessary to specify them?
43. Describe various modulation techniques used for transmitting a bio signal in a telemetry system
44. Classify shortwave and microwave diathermy
45. Illuminate the application of diathermies

 Part -B
1. What is pacemaker? What are different types of pacemaker? (8)
2. Explain the R wave inhibited pacemaker with neat block diagram. (8)
3. Summarize the functions and application of dialyzer.
4. Demonstrate the circuit diagram of fixed rate parameters and explain its working principle. (8)
5. Analyze the working of synchronized dc defibrillator. (8)
5. Generalize points about the working and types of a dialyzer?
6. Show the working principle of ventricular triggered pacemaker with neat diagram.
7. Define what is pacemaker. Describe the different types of pacemakers.
8. Discuss the following with neat diagrams. (i) R-wave inhibited pacemaker (8) (ii) R-wave triggered pacemaker. (8)
9. Explain the following. (i)AC defibrillator (8) (ii) DC defibrillator (8
10. Describe the atrial synchronous pacemaker.
11. Compare the following (i) Dual peak DC defibrillator. (8) (ii) DC defibrillator with synchronizer. (8)
12. Explain single channel ECG bio telemetry system with neat diagram?
13. Describe the working and construction of radio pill with an example
14. Discuss the following with respect to electrical safety (i) Ground fault interrupter (3) (ii) Isolation transformer (3) (iii) Line Isolation monitors (3) (iv) Grounding (3)
15. Enumerate the salient features of microwave diathermy
16. Illustrate the block diagram of short wave and ultrasonic diathermy and explain.
17. Compare and explain the telemetry circuit diagram for the transmission of EMG, ECG, EEG and respiration rate?
18. Discuss the basic concepts (including the modulation types) of radio transmission used in bio telemetry.
19. Generalize the problems associated with the implant telemetry circuits? Explain the subcarrier biotelemetry?
20 (i) describe the surgical diathermy? (8) (ii) Write short notes on frequency selection with respect to  biotelemetry? (8)
21. Elaborate the multiple channel telemetry systems with neat diagrams.

Sunday 7 January 2018

BFM& Auto Analyzer PPT-REG

Dear Students,

Click the link below to access the Power point material for second unit (BFM,Auto analyzer)

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Saturday 8 April 2017

Radio Pill and Unit-5 notes-reg

Dear Students,

As we need radio pill and unit-v notes , i have given shareable link below. please take a print or keep as soft copy in your PC or mobile . Make use of this material.


Friday 10 March 2017

EC6001- medical electronics important questions and previous year question papers

Dear students ,

Click this link to get EC6001- medical electronics  important questions and previous year question papers for your reference.....